Monday, December 8, 2008

LeT iT sNoW, lEt It SnOw, LeT iT sNoW!!! here's our backyard after the first real snow of winter... oh yeh..and that's our new shed matt built this fall! i love it! thanks matt, you rock!

SAD!! look what happened to our little blue car... matt was in the wrong part of town at the wrong time of night and was attacked!! j/k! a big dumb gravel truck drove by poor defenseless matt and some dumb little gravels came and broke his window into little shrapnels. matt wasn't hurt, so thank my lucky stars. But it still reeks that his window shatterred, and that glass whacked him in the face, and that his ear drum got nearly exploded by the sound. he even had glass down his jacket when he took it off later!!

AAAHHH!!! Livia's finally walking! well ya know, toddling. she's 13 and 1/2 months old and has been walking around the furniture and stuff since she was like 6 and 1/2 months. but now she's so brave and stands up by herself for minutes at a time but just wasn't interested in walking. just a step or two at a time then she'd let herself down to the floor really slow and careful.she's been taking it slow, relaxed style. she took a few steps last night but this morning she was doing so good! sorry we're still in our jammies in the video, and liza was the photographer, and i had to keep telling her to just push the button and then leave it alone. what a good walking baby!!

Friday, December 5, 2008

more oregon trip pics...
livie and her new best friend aunt jaycine and liza and her new best bud uncle mark. liza was watching football with mark and i overheard her say to him "this is my favorite show." then they were best buds. just like that.
liza trying to knock her cousin faith out of the tree with with her giant twig.

liza "riding" a bike. she thought she needed to hold her helmet on with her hand the whole time. and matt pulled her by the other hand up and down the street. he's so nice. how cute...

liza holding liv. she's a good sissy.

So,... we were able to go to oregon for thanksgiving this year to visit matt's family that lives over there. it was so fun! we had a really good time. we stayed with matt's brother keith, and his wife erin. they were so good to us we almost stayed there for an extra month or two. thanks guys! you rock! here are some pics of our trip....
the girls chillin out and watchin looney toons with grandpa tilton
all of matt's girls....

mamma's boy. how cute can a guy get?!

grandma and grandpa tilton.
i told them i wanted a picture of them being silly and this is what i got!
it's not that silly, but it's cute.

look at all the trees and fog here!?!... no wonder why all us vampires love the great north west!!

this is a picture i took as i was running ultra-fast, like the vampire that i am. (not from a moving vehicle as the photo might otherwise presuade you to believe.)

the day after thanksgiving we went to the oregon coast, cannon beach. (thats the rock from "goonies" behind us. awesome.)

a couple weeks ago we stopped by the greenbelt and snapped a few pics, in this one you can tell how shy liza is of the camera... yeh right.
i really did take that one of temple at night- pretty, huh? i'm really good at taking that picture.

the fam at the falls....

liv: being adorable. (actually she's hollering at the leaves)