Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Ice Skating!!!!

We Finally took Liza ice skating, and how do you think it went? AWESOME!!! she LOVED it! just like she knew she would. and Liv loved it too.. We can' t wait to go again...

since it doesn't really look like she's rippin it up in the video, i threw this pic in for proof! yeh, that's all the ice shavings stuck in her skates cause of all the tricks she was doing, ya know triple salcows and whatnot...the usual, nothing fancy.

what a blast!

1 comment:

Bryan and Karalee said...

I have never seen anything as cute as Liza ice skating! She looked so happy. It is fuunny that she loves ice skating so much. Where did that come from? I wish i could go with you ice skating.