Thursday, April 16, 2009

okay, so we finally have some really cool news... we are now the rightful owners of 2 acres of land! cool, right? (yeh. i know you all thought i was goona say that i was pregnant right? well, no.) the first step to building our house is now complete. (!) we're so excited. as matt puts it, "we are so done living in this trailer." (not that it's been THAT bad living in this trailer, its kinda homey afterall,) but, yeh, we could be done and it wouldn't hurt my feelings. But any way... we're building a house! if ya wanna see what our house plan is sorta like you can check out and ours will be alot like plan number 1572. we made a bunch of minor changes but it's that same thing basically. The drafter is accually a friend of ours and has just finished a website for house plans that she has drawn. she is really good and i would totally recomend her to any one who needs a house plan.


Damien and Ashley said...

How exciting for you guys!!! That's goning to be fun---planning and building a house! Good luck with everything!

Bryan and Karalee said...

Hoory for getting out of trailors!

Bryan and Karalee said...

Also Hooray for New Houses! I looked at your floor plan and it is freakin' sweet. Im really excited for you guys!